Use this form to Request Disaster Response/Recovery Assistance or to request support with an Exercise or Training.
A request may be submitted to TNVOAD from:
Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
State/City/County Representative (typically the Emergency Management Agency)
Area/Regional Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD or VOAD)
VOAD Member/Partner Organization
Another State/Territory VOAD
National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
An Individual
Requestor fills out and submits the form to TNVOAD. A qualifying request is then shared with the members and partners, other State & Territory VOADs, and/or NVOAD to validate whether those products or services can be obtained and made available to the requesting agency. If a qualifying request can be matched to an organization, the submitting agency and/or POC will be notified in order to make contact and plan steps to receive services and/or products.