
TNVOAD currently has the following committees

These committees are not tied to a particular disaster, but instead focus on their subject matter throughout the year to create guidance documents, best practices, and other resources for the VOAD membership and the general public. You can find some of those resources here.

Chair:  Julie Dimitrov
Executive Committee Liaison is the TNVOAD Secretary
State EMA Advisor is appointed by the TN Emergency Management Agency
Membership will consist of 3-5 appointed people selected by the Chair and Executive Committee Liaison

The Committee shall:

  • Regularly review how the Executive Board conducts meetings
  • Review and make recommendations to By-laws
  • Provide administrative support to the Executive Board with recording minutes and attendance as requested
  • Monitor and Support the information presented in the TNVOAD web and social media sites
  • Administer and/or Support routine and emergency notifications with membership
  • Assist with oversight and operations of TNVOAD call centers, Points of Distribution operations management, Volunteer Registration Center operations, and etc.
  • Provide guidance and support for TNVOAD training operations with Emergency Management partners (Federal, State, County, & City) and TNVOAD membership as needed
  • Work with membership to compile and review training opportunities/needs and help organize approved training/conference/workshop events
  • Working with the Executive Board and the Finance Committee, complete and maintain all registration and filing of necessary paperwork with all government agencies to maintain TNVOAD operations within Tennessee
  • Working with the Executive Board and the Finance Committee, complete and maintain annual registration and filing of membership renewal with National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD)
  • The Committee shall carry out other related duties as requested by the Executive Committee.

Chair:  Gary Ward, TNVOAD Treasurer
Membership will consist of 3-5 appointed people selected by the Chair

The finance committee will be responsible for monitoring and communicating to the membership the organization’s overall financial health.

  • Develop an annual and/or multi-year operating budget
  • Maintain account integrity with any financial institution that TNVOAD has account(s)
  • Prepare and present financial statements
  • Provide financial recommendations to the membership
  • Annually research and apply for grants and/or donations to offset TNVOAD expenses
  • complete and file all financial reports relative to tax at city, county, state, and federal levels as required
  • Working with the Executive Board and the Administration, Operations, & Training Committee, complete and maintain all registration and filing of necessary paperwork with all government agencies to maintain TNVOAD operations within Tennessee
  • Working with the Executive Board and the Administration, Operations, & Training Committee, complete and maintain annual registration and filing of membership renewal with National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD)

Chair:  Vacant
Membership will consist of 3-5 appointed people selected by the Chair

  • Create and Review surveys and query members, non-members, and lapsed members;
  • Develop member recruitment and retention campaigns for all disciplines based on data reviewed;
  • Reach out to previous members that haven’t completed membership registration via phone or email.

Chair:  Kate Amaral, Team Rubicon

  • Robert Craig, UMCOR

The nominating committee will be responsible for:

  • The members of the Nominating Committee will be named by the President of TN VOAD, with the advice and consent of TN VOAD’s membership.
  • The Chairperson of the committee shall be named by the President of TN VOAD from among the committee members.
  • The members of the Nominating Committee will consider and propose to the TN VOAD membership, nominees for the elected offices of TN VOAD.
  • The members of the Nominating Committee will be named at the meeting of TN VOAD occurring the fourth (4th) quarter each odd numbered calendar year, and will present their nominees for TN VOAD elective offices at the Annual meeting of TN VOAD held on the first (1st) quarter of the subsequent calendar year.
  • Members of the Nominating Committee will continue to serve in their capacity until a new Nominating Committee is named at the final TN VOAD meeting of the next odd numbered calendar year.
  • Members of the Nominating Committee will also be responsible for finding replacement nominees for offices that have become vacant through resignation or vote of TN VOAD throughout their years of service.
  • Any member of the Nominating Committee elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer of TN VOAD, is considered to have immediately resigned from the Nominating Committee.
  • Other members may resign from the Nominating Committee by notifying either the Chairperson of the committee or the President or Secretary of TN VOAD.